About Us

Gains And Grind Fitness Center

Timothy Chan gained an interest in fitness when he trained competitively for Judo when he was 12 years old.

It mostly started with basics but when he was 17, he started to take his strength and conditioning a lot more seriously to keep up with the competition. He got a scholarship for a Sports Science degree in the University of Southern California and joined the USC Trojan Judo Club while he was there. It was during this time where in he started helping out the newer members and even the kids� classes. By the time he was a junior, he was creating the strength and conditioning program for the team. During Tim�s senior year, he started helping out with the basketball and football team. After graduating in 2007, he worked for 2 years as an assistant for the US Olympic Swimming team who were training for the 2008 Beijing Olympics then. After this, he went back to his alma matter, University of Southern California, to take up his masters degree in Bio Kinesiology and a minor in nutrition and health. In 2013, he met with his childhood friend, Jeremiah Brookes, and they both decided to put up Gains And Grind Fitness Center. Since then, they have been trying their best to provide state of the art facilities for athletes and a friendly place for members to head on over to live a healthier lifestyle.